Pennant Fever Baseball Challenge 2013 HD

4.3 ( 2843 ratings )
Sport Spel Sport Strategi
Utvecklare: Sports Development Studio

The goal of PFB Challenge is to play various Challenges against the greatest teams of all-time. You pick your team and decide on the number of games in the Challenge. Our system will select which of the greatest teams will be included in the Challenge. Your team will play each team in the Challenge in a 3 game series. Our AI system will manage the greatest teams and put your team and skills to the test. When you win a game you will be award points for the game based on your teams performance and determined by the greatest team rank in our system.

A Challenge can be any of the following schedule sizes, 33, 48, 66, 81, 96, 132, or 162 games. The Challenge offers several styles which help determine which teams will be included in your Challenge.

Our community goal is to find and share the best Challenges. So the best Challenges will be determined based on the Challenge style, schedule size, winning percentage, and awarded points. The best Challenges will be displayed in the PFB Challenge Leader board in the application and from our web site.

If you dont want to play a Challenge then you can always play a Spring Training game. Spring Training games are just as fun and you determine the Road and Home teams to play. You can manage both teams or neither team, your choice. However, these games do not award any points or count toward your rank in the leader boards.